Emma Stevens has helped over 6000 pregnancies & 5500 couples & babies
antenatal classes in Saffron Walden
"I would 100% recommend Emma for anything to do with pregnancy, birth and caring for your baby. Amazing classes. Thank you so much for putting us at ease." Becky

Baby Massage
I realise your baby is so special to you and having helped over 5500 babies through massage, I would love to help you. Baby Massage classes are held in Saffron Walden.
Baby Massage is a great way to help baby relax and feel settled. It will help them to sleep and reduce any wind, colic, constipation or feeding issues.
Over the 3 lessons I will teach you how to massage the whole body and special techniques to help your baby who may experience discomfort from wind and constipation.
Parents report that after a few days of baby massage, their baby started to sleep more at night and nap regularly through the day.
In addition, any signs of wind or colic disappeared after 1 week due to the techniques I will demonstrate.
I will ensure that the classes are non-judgemental and all mums (and dads) are welcome to attend.
To receive more information and when the next course starts please click below and Emma will respond to you.

Emma has helped over 5500 babies and would love to help you.
She is fully recommended my midwifes, doctors and health visitors.
Call her on 07970807389 or email her at: emmastevens@positivebirthandbaby.co.uk for more information. She is waiting to help you.